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From A Lover's Eye

O thou it's not your crazy love that I crave for It's the affection that I lavish to It's the winding of warm blood that I slurp It's the drug that I could do And still be on rehab happily regretting. It's the smell of eloquent perfume , O dear. For whom, who is dead to all is alive breathing silly. The pupils that rests heavenly The eyelids that ornates them The shine of hope that burns me  Is the heat that warms thee The cuddle and the hugs that feels one The eloquent voice that speaks no bound The moans that makes no sound. The spring could be near While it's midnight And the beloved devil's watching the closing door That drop of sweat that touches the floor As you tenderly expound the true colours That remains permanent more than any feelings That will ever be explored. When I truly love on I want you to  In the golden afternoon Lavender evening I wish I had you I wish to be a little more selfish For I want you to be mine and only mine. It's not abo

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Surjendra Das
Farakka, West Bengal, India
Pen Name - Rudyard Jostle and Currently an Author who is among top 100 debut Indian authors 2018-19 as per a survey by Literature Lights Publishing. I write books to share my ideas to the world, usually in forms of poems. Read books authored by me namely Eloquency and The Ornate Words Of Oblivion. Also make sure to check books co-authored by me which includes The Stream Of Words And You, Coffee And Echoes, Ashes, Note To Self, The Black .

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