The Man In Woods (FDS 1.11)

The First Day Of Summer

The Man In Woods

Empty Vessel Makes The Most Noise

John was on his way back home after a week-long trip to Hawaii. He was not the only one there, for the company he had had his girlfriend Martha, and his other friends Jack, Jimmy, Stacy, and Avard. To my readers, it was their first-ever trip abroad, and guess what it was a plan they made when they were at Primary school and now they are about to graduate next year.

“Ahh! Peace of junk is this Volkswagen. Come on !! What’s bothering you?” Not in a happy tone cried John who was driving the car. It was near time for sunset and they decided to give the engine a rest and enjoy the beautiful sunset.

“Hey guys, look how charming is the golden ball today, just wow,” said Stacy, who was moved by nature’s beauty. Nature is beautiful and equally mysterious much more than we expect. Every Sunset is beautiful but we get the charm only when we stand by and look at it, people take snapshots of such beautiful moments so did our young lads and of course, a DSLR group click is a must. Ever wonder why is William Wordsworth such a romantic nature poet? It’s very simple, he used to stand by the glimpses of strategic beauty and took it with him in the form of words, of course, you can’t expect him to hold a camera and have clicked. We are so privileged to have such devices in our pockets. Beauty and felt romantic, she kissed her boyfriend who was not that comfortable with public romance but he continued their romance beneath the golden sky.  It seemed as if the sun took more time than usual to set this eve, and so special it was a moment they will never forget, but deep down they knew the sunset would be as bloody as the blood of Immortal blood.  It is very obvious the Volkswagen needed some rest, the time could be no better too. 

“Hey, what about a campfire at this beautiful place in the lap of nature.” Stacy liked the idea of  Avard and they decided to have some time there. “Martha is a great cook, guys. I will accompany her and make some mouth-watering dishes for my pals,” John remarked about the efficient skill of his lover. Jimmy and Avard would go looking for some wooden blocks for fire and on the other side, Stacy and others would stay back.

Martha was equally moved by the base accompanied by couples to assemble the rest area. They laughed at the fact how clean the night sky, in reality, is, how different it is from the illusionary world they live in. Martha suggested, “ Let’s arrange some fairy lights here, shall look lovely.” 

“ That as an amazing idea” was approved by Stacy but Jack raised the concern of how to manage the power in an open forest. “Don’t worry Morons, I have the arrangement” appeared John from the Car who was dozing off for so long, and now he was as energetic as a wild bear. Stacy is surprised, “ Oh Jesus! I just lost your thought, where have you been for so long? You lost it all a lot of it…”

 “A lot of what? What are you saying? I was in the car giving my eyes some rest.” The surprised driver answered. “ Ahh! Dear you did not miss much, to be specific it was just a beautiful sunset you’ll never see again and a romantic evening” sarcastically replied Jack. John is still perplexed, “What! none of you brats even care to call me once. The thought of me missing around you guys even did not pop. It hurts, hurts, I am sad.” Martha instantly responded rudely, “and this is exactly why we don’t doze anywhere anytime, you learned a lesson better keep it in mind during other trips we gonna have if we have.” 

On another side, “But where are Avard and Jimmy? I  don’t see them anywhere near.” 

“Because they aren’t...Avard and Jimmy went for some wooden bases to be burnt, we planned a campfire” 

“Wow! Stacy, that sounds cool, am already excited” You already know who said this. They were mocking the sleepyhead as we friends do in general and when arrangements were done they sat on the chairs and sooner they realized it is been long the chaps have left and they should have come back by now. Martha seemed worried and John lost in another world listening to Spotify.

“You don’t think they should have returned by now? Don’t you ?”Martha seemed worried. “I don’t exactly know where they are lost, it's already getting darker. They need to return as soon as possible.”Stacy added further. 

To their surprise, the voice sounded from the air, as if it was a warning for the visitors to leave the place at an instant or else it is going to cost their lives. John laughed, “ So, they are back, Avard and Jimmy look in a good mood. We are here, come soon where have you been so long? Our hunger has lost its cool and guess what we are yet to make it.”The voice they heard did not sound normal to Martha and she was now afraid and no reply to John did arrive. 

“Stacy, do you feel cold? I feel a breeze blowing  around us, but why are the leaves not rustling?” “What? You are in a forest and look there is the sea near and so you feel the cold and breeze is what your mind is creating, now calm down.” 

“But, I feel something’s not right in here, isn’t it John ?” John, still lost in his musical night is seen dancing, but the steps did not seem to be normal. “ He’s not drunk, yet why does he seem to be?” It looked as if the fear in Martha had started to reach heights. “ John! put that headset off your ears. Ahh! You ain’t hearing me and dancing like a lunatic.” Stacy had her hand hard on his cheeks to bring John back to conscience and he started to look at her in a sudden strangeness which made Stacy lift her foot back “ You okay? Am sorry, did I hit too hard?” 

“What are you begging at Stacy? And why do you and Martha look in faded colours? What’s wrong?” Martha is now scared as she moves behind their car and asks “ Don’t you sense something weird in here?” 

“No, I don’t see how beautiful the sky, the moon, the trees, and every creature living here is so ornate by the beauty of nature.” 

“Are you okay John? I am sorry, maybe I was hard on you.” 

“ You are sorry? But why should you be? I don’t understand the weird change in behaviour of you both.” “So, you don’t remember anything about that creepy angry look?” 

“No, I don’t and I don’t get a sense in your words. But where are Jimmy and Avard, aren’t they back?

“They are very late, and I am worried, I think we should give them a call…” Stacy stopped Martha in the middle, “ So, you expecting a network in the middle of nowhere?” John decided to leave the place and dive into the forest to start looking for his friends who were by now very late. “But should you be going alone?” 

“It is not safe for any of you to be alone here and we all can’t go together living things here open. Don’t worry Martha, I’ll be back soon with Jimmy and Avard.”

“You shouldn't be going there alone if you want to return safe and sound.” A manly baritone was heard, but only a voice they all heard yet could see no man. The same voice continued, “I should be giving you the company.” They could see nobody speaking so loud. John stopped his boots and all three had the same questions running on their mind. Who is this speaking to?  Why is he not visible to us and from where the voice is coming? Most importantly why should he be stopping us from getting into the forest deeper? The questions are unanswered as they looked perplexed to the situation on hearing nature’s voice speaking in words. 


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Surjendra Das
Farakka, West Bengal, India
Pen Name - Rudyard Jostle and Currently an Author who is among top 100 debut Indian authors 2018-19 as per a survey by Literature Lights Publishing. I write books to share my ideas to the world, usually in forms of poems. Read books authored by me namely Eloquency and The Ornate Words Of Oblivion. Also make sure to check books co-authored by me which includes The Stream Of Words And You, Coffee And Echoes, Ashes, Note To Self, The Black .

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