Why is boring interesting?

I don't exactly know, why? I have always found it boring to follow rules, trends, and what we follow because it was followed by our ancestors, they followed because their ancestors too did, and they did because theirs also did...  or to say, we do things unknowingly because we have grown up seeing that's what everybody does, be it wrong, we don't care, if everybody does it, wrong is also accepted. This is the normal mindset people follow, and I find it boring. 

Well, yes that's very true that only boring persons find things boring, and if that's the case, I agree! Yes, I am boring. I am boring because I find something else interesting which is boring to a common general. I am boring because my philosophies are not as same as yours, I am boring because I don't do what has been done over the years, I am boring because I try to know the reason behind the things we did say, they do and so do we. Yes, I strongly support the fact, I am boring, and also that's not under my control. Here, I again prove myself boring, because I say not to try to control what is not under our control, rather control what over we have the authority, but you people claim everything and anything is possible. 

Don't you want miracles to happen in your life? You do? See, I am once again proved to be a boring person, because I don't want miracles to happen, rather I want to be a miracle, be the miracle of someone's dream, be a miracle of you, be the miracle people imagine.

Okay, so I guess that's enough of my introduction, let me tell you how I discovered the fact that I am boring. 

You people sleep at night, isn't it? If you don't do let me know below in the comments, because congrats we both are boring as we don't sleep at night. Yes, you read it right, I don't sleep at night. The night is so beautiful to observe, if I neglect the factor of pollution, the stars above in the past are the perfectly designed celestial objects of a  perfectionist. So, why to miss it by sleeping? Yes, stars are visible from the evening, I know that but the silence of the entire human race makes it more beautiful. Yes, whenever I hear anybody speaking, I feel their existence and this realization is irksome to me. So, it is only the night when am in the midst of nature with no terrible voices to yell observing the Milky Way. Then I return indoor, and start to drop down a list with all those I am supposed to do the next day, yes that's a to-do list making session with clean ideas and a soft melody playing in the background at an audible frequency.  I need to bring the perfect efficiency for a better version of me and there's the time to turn the exercise class in action and by now I have the list ready to play. So, when the list is ready, its time to eat for the foodie. Yes, again I love to eat and am always ravenous at times when  I feel it's getting late. The food tastes tastier than always. Now, let's read some books because knowledge is power, and when you read, it is the time to write some because I don't want to stay happy by someone else's achievement till my death, I also want to pay it forward, that is I want to be the reason for other's to be happy as well, much as I am, so there is when I return to action and then I go for the activity that makes it easy for you to read what I write. Knock! Knock! Time to go back on the greeny grasses and smell the bliss of grasses, along with Tuberoses and Daffodils around me, that greet to those little creatures makes me oblivious and hence overwhelmed. 

This is when the Moon gets back to sleep and I look the Sunrise with eternal joy lost in the deep fathom. The birds tweets seating peacefully along with their family, and the Men going out early for work, there comes somebody with records of the day for me to read. So, isn't being boring very interesting?  


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Surjendra Das
Farakka, West Bengal, India
Pen Name - Rudyard Jostle and Currently an Author who is among top 100 debut Indian authors 2018-19 as per a survey by Literature Lights Publishing. I write books to share my ideas to the world, usually in forms of poems. Read books authored by me namely Eloquency and The Ornate Words Of Oblivion. Also make sure to check books co-authored by me which includes The Stream Of Words And You, Coffee And Echoes, Ashes, Note To Self, The Black .

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