
To, Mahendra Singh Dhoni 
I learned to grow, where growth is the growth of success. The dots we overlook counts to be different from what other minds think is what I learn. Leaders lead by example is what I knew, then you came to show leaders do lead from behind and the cost of such leadership is much higher than any price payable. You are unaware of the virtues you thought me and millions is the most beautiful process I have ever come across. We all thank you, yet we all miss you with respect. 


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Surjendra Das
Farakka, West Bengal, India
Pen Name - Rudyard Jostle and Currently an Author who is among top 100 debut Indian authors 2018-19 as per a survey by Literature Lights Publishing. I write books to share my ideas to the world, usually in forms of poems. Read books authored by me namely Eloquency and The Ornate Words Of Oblivion. Also make sure to check books co-authored by me which includes The Stream Of Words And You, Coffee And Echoes, Ashes, Note To Self, The Black .

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