
So, the path to triumph will never exist until you create it. In case you miss out on fractions to cross the line, this blog is absolutely for you. To my words, mentioned below steps should help you improve.  

Step 1:- Identify your goal and write it and keep it in front of your eyes most of the time. Then strategize your goal with daily, weekly, and monthly targets. Say no to procrastination which is an enemy to distract you. Also,try thinking of benefits you gonna get after you actually achieve your goal, this is possible only when you know the reason behind the wish to accomplish the target.

Step 2:- Now, when your strategy is ready, it is to implement it on your  l\own acts with a firm belief once the journey started. In other words, stop not till the goal is reached. While we implement there will be obstacles, rather say there have to be obstacles which are to outsmart with respect and loyalty in sporting spirits.  Remember never to lose hope and trust over own soul, the intermediate steps might define you wrong, but these definitions of you will not define you after you end your work. Incomplete Monuments are never tourist attractions. 

Step 3:- Remember to put your best possible efforts, your work might be destroyed by someone, but don't be afraid to start again. Even I am typing this blog for the 2nd time after my previous try was wasted due to technical issues.  Success is the integration of small efforts from the initial to the final point in your journey, and the final result is your output. 

Step 4:- Fake it, till you make it. Now when you are creating your success, you should also fake it, act as if you already are successful, simply because this kind of behavior will make your brain cells guide you towards your goal. You will be chasing it unknowingly, and never know when you reached it while passing the fractions. We need confidence and being confident is a need, just make sure about the tragedy of being cocky. 

Step 5- Every small step matters because bricks are the building blocks of a house. Now, imagine your strategy did not work to your expectations, it doesn't mean you can' do it, it simply means, you were having loopholes in your days of actions. Most importantly while you act never think of the climax, play your role better for the best climax.

Step 6- Your ideas did not go the way you wanted, and you are definitely sad, perhaps you should repent, but not more than 300 seconds. I have given you 5 minutes to feel the sorrow but after then get up and hunt for the drawbacks, make a better plan, and then make an effective implementation for it. If you learn from mistakes and never repeat it, then you actually are not a failure. Let God know, whom he is trying to stop; the faith know whom it is against for. 


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Surjendra Das
Farakka, West Bengal, India
Pen Name - Rudyard Jostle and Currently an Author who is among top 100 debut Indian authors 2018-19 as per a survey by Literature Lights Publishing. I write books to share my ideas to the world, usually in forms of poems. Read books authored by me namely Eloquency and The Ornate Words Of Oblivion. Also make sure to check books co-authored by me which includes The Stream Of Words And You, Coffee And Echoes, Ashes, Note To Self, The Black .

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