Being An Autophile

It’s not always of being an introvert, extrovert, or an ambivert. On many occasions, you can also be surrounded by autophiles 

So when you gaze to this spher.e from the eyes of an autophile, it seems to be quite perplexed because they are either unaware of the facts or are oblivious to their world. Now there must arise a reason for this kind of affinity to solitude. It is not always that they are indifferent to the trends or they just avoid the spots to glare at. It is not also that they find pleasure in exchange for mere acts. After the struggles of analysis, I end up discovering them to consider others as agathokakological, just the thoughts make boketto to a distant. They usually suffer from the mental state of lypophrenia. They might seem to you rude, arrogant albeit are the thirsts of days they can count.

As an autophile, you are not only kind but also a deep observant which helps you to flourish with creative pieces of creativity that go beyond the common mog. We usually tend to amiss interpret them to which they respond, “ So sue me.” An autophile is a real dabster who can be needed at any instant of life for your aid. They fling themselves to their duty with the greatest of respect they can. Like most teenagers, they don’t suffer from Pistanthrophobia which makes them more simple.

Thus, to conclude my views on the life of an autophile with respect to the commons is what I the remark is they are also a cell of the tree we grow in and are just serene unlike us and to know them you need a different eye and certainly Meraki.


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Surjendra Das
Farakka, West Bengal, India
Pen Name - Rudyard Jostle and Currently an Author who is among top 100 debut Indian authors 2018-19 as per a survey by Literature Lights Publishing. I write books to share my ideas to the world, usually in forms of poems. Read books authored by me namely Eloquency and The Ornate Words Of Oblivion. Also make sure to check books co-authored by me which includes The Stream Of Words And You, Coffee And Echoes, Ashes, Note To Self, The Black .

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