Arbitrary Perception
This is the 11th hour of the day of the knocking end. I don't exactly know what to write here, but I just want to write, and so here I am here to pen my thoughts which come to me while I write this blog.
You can say I am having that mindset currently which an author generally has when he needs to complete his book by the morning, when its night already, while he is suffering from writers' block, yet he wants to write some words.
So, to be creative one needs to be really a very good observant, since he needs to put his ideas into words which are indeed the byproduct of his observation skills. I must say the level of observation is directly proportional to the creativity of an author, in a nutshell, the more you observe the more creative you grow.
The toughest phase of creative writing is to generate ideas and give a suitable name to the document, naming this blog was even a tough job for me honestly. So, I usually write the manuscript and spend a whole night thinking a suitable title for it. Do let me know if you had also been the victim of such nightmares like me.
As you have read, I had just written whatever those crazy kinds of stuff invaded me while I was on my dashboard of the blog. I don't know how crazy I had been through the entire blog or what did I convey, but to be honest, I trust myself and confidently believe that I must have delivered something really useful for you, and that comes out to be the reason for me to upload this without even reading it once. I feel from within that this blog is amazing and has to be amazing. In case you don't feel the same, read again for the essence and continue reading until this becomes amazing to you. So. happy reading! Also, try subscribing and following for free to this website for notifications of my updated content everything. I also expect to read what do you feel on this blog down below in the comments section.
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